Baby’s First Foods: “U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Recommends Eggs as a First Food for Babies”


Eggs Are Recommended as a Nutrient-Rich First Food

The American Egg Board released a press statement on July 15, 2020 marking it as an important day for eggs with new, research-backed recommendations published by the U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. For the first time in history, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans Advisory Committee now recommends introducing eggs as a first food for infants and toddlers, as well as deeming them an important food for pregnant and lactating women.


In the past, pediatricians recommended waiting to introduce eggs to baby’s diet due to allergy concerns. This July 2020 report highlights the importance of the nutrient choline in eggs, an essential nutrient critical for fetal brain development, while also recommending eggs to reduce the risk for an egg allergy. Choline is also mentioned as an important nutrient that is under-consumed by all Americans, specifically pregnant women.


The new guideline from the Advisory Committee, which mentions introducing eggs as a first food and as an important food for those of every age at every stage of life, says that eggs provide eight essential nutrients that help build a healthy foundation for life! At only 70 calories, one egg provides critical nutrients including protein, choline, riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin B12, biotin (B7), pantothenic acid (B5), iodine and selenium, which are all valuable for supporting bone and muscle health, brain development and more. Eggs are also noted by the Advisory Committee as a great source of vitamin D, another nutrient that is under-consumed by most Americans.


As you’re working on building a healthier diet for you and your entire family, you can count on eggs. For more information on building a healthy diet with eggs and recipes using eggs, visit


To read the full press release from the American Egg Board, click here.